Thursday, September 7, 2006

What's Your Sign?

A loved one is in need of a good listener -- and possibly a shoulder to cry on.yesterday's horoscope The other one said two satrs, I can’t remember why, though Yeah, htoday I was planning on spending the entire day cleaning the apartment, doing laundry, gettingcaught up on work. But look- thanks to my horoscope- I don’t have to do half of what I need to. Gptta jave fun too! And no need trying to convince myself how fun laundry and cleaning out the closet so I can put it up is Not with ahoroscope begging me to have fun today!septemebr 23 All work and no play is no fun, so seek a balance between these two forces today

More than ever before, you're finding it easy to stay true to your toughest goals in life. No matter how silver-tongued that little devilish voice inside you may be, nothing can pull you off your track today! This laser-precise focus serves you well, keeping you out of trouble -- without depriving you of having a lot of fun. All work and no play is no good. As long as you seek a balance between these two forces, you'll be fine. i think this is yesteday's two star ruling: CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You will be torn in a couple of different directions that will have financial implications. Be very careful how you proceed. Fend for yourself and don't expect anyone to take responsibility for something that concerns you. 2 stars today. UGH she doesn't like me. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You won't be able to count on others. Prepare to make things happen on your own. Make some changes to your circle of friends and you will rid yourself of problems that you can do without. It may be difficult initially but relief will be the end result. 2 stars

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