Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Tasty Thursday to Fasting Friday

Halloween always begins the indulging season for me as all the left over candy is brought into the news room. The sugar rush somehow speeds up the 24 days until the next big binge of the year, Thanksgiving. Doesn't it feel like Halloween was last weekend?

Every year I hear people say they are not going to overeat at Thanksgiving. But by the time they take just a little of Aunt Carolyn's stuffing, a spoonfull of Grandma's green beans, Sara's sweet-potatoes, and Fran's fruit cocktail, then add desert and all the drinks, there is no going back. Except for seconds and thirds.

However, here is a calculator that just might make you take smaller spoon-fulls. Using it, I found I'd have to walk 19-miles to burn off the calories of my projected meal. And I was underestimating what I'd eat. Bon-walk!

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