Friday, November 3, 2006

Fantasy Football- but Fantasy Congress?

Think about how many people you know who enjoy calling the shots in professional football via a fantasy league every weekend.  At least 20.

Now, how many dream about having the power to draft and manage a team of members from the U.S. Congress? Read on.

In Fantasy Football, participants create a team of players from all the different NFL teams. To know how their fantasy team is doing, they can't just sit back and enjoy one football game at a time. They typically need to flip through the channels and check the internet for the other games that aren't televised. At least thats the way a Fantasy Football fanatic would play. I've commented in a previous blog on how frustrating it must be to keep up with a Fantasy Baseball Team since there are as many baseball games in one month as there are football games in a season.

So it made me laugh when I opened my daily e-mail tip sheet from a resource organization for journalists and learned of a new competition of the imagination, Fantasy Congress.

Fantasy Congress? Would I be able to find enough people willing to play to make up a team? It turns out, yes. You the Citizen, draft a team of real-life legislators of Congress. From there, you compete with other teams. You even get the opportunity to bench!

The idea is to generate interest in the issues. It is even being pitched as a possible learning vessel for students.

If you visit this website and happen to make a team and need another player, let me know. I might suit up.

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